2020 Assembly Bill No. 2112 (Ramos): Established State Office of Suicide Prevention

Approved by Governor September 25, 2020 | CAYEN Strong supporters

AB 2112 established a statewide Office of Suicide Prevention in response to the state and nation’s rise in calls to mental health hotlines and emergency room visits linked to suicide attempts. The bill was introduced with California’s youth in mind, especially considering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The office is charged with, at statewide and regional levels, providing strategic guidance regarding prevention practices, conducting state evaluations of prevention policies, reviewing community data and the insights of experts to identify opportunities to reduce suicide, and disseminating information using methods such as culturally appropriate campaigns.

Read the bill here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB2112

Izza Wei-Haas

A boutique design studio by Wei-Haasome LLC, specializing in thoughtful websites for small businesses, graphic design, and botanical goods.


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