2020 TAY Action Teams

During the first year of our advocacy project, CAYEN collaborated with five different local-level advocacy groups (LLAGs) across the state of California. The LLAGs recruited local youth leaders to participate in each organizations’ TAY Action Team (TAT). CAYEN had to take innovative steps to re-engage, re-connect, and further empower TATs before moving forward with this project, due to the unforeseen challenges of 2020 that tested TAY mental health and led our team to completely re-imagine how to support youth advocacy. The result was virtual community-building workshops, trainings, and using art as a form of story telling to highlight the direct needs of their communities.

The Wall Las Memorias Project

The Wall Las Memorias Project in Los Angeles is bringing awareness and advocacy to youth mental health in LA! Their TAY Action Team’s advocacy ask was to advocate for more TAY-led mental health supports and resources that serve the LGBTQIA2S+ TAY community in Los Angeles County. Follow their Instagram @the_wall_las_memorias to learn more!

Muslim American Society Social Services Foundation (MAS-SSF)

The Muslim American Society in Sacramento is going to bring awareness and advocacy to youth mental health! Their TAY Action Team’s advocacy ask was to advocate for a TAY-led and TAY-specific wellness center that provides services to the Muslim and Refugee youth in Sacramento County. Follow their Instagram @muslimamericansociety to learn more!

Mental Health Association of San Francsico

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is bringing awareness and advocacy to youth mental health in San Francisco! Their TAY Action Team’s advocacy ask was to advocate for a TAY-led and TAY-specific wellness center in San Francisco County. Follow their Instagram @mentalhealthsf to learn more!

Mental Wellness Center

The Mental Wellness Center is bringing awareness and advocacy to youth mental health in Santa Barbara! Their TAY Action Team’s advocacy ask was to advocate for mental health education to be a part of the school curriculum in Santa Barbara County. Follow their Instagram @mentalwellness to learn more!

The Village Project

The Village Project in Seaside is bringing awareness and advocacy to youth mental health in the Seaside and Monterey area! Their TAY Action Team’s advocacy ask was to advocate for a TAY-led and TAY-specific wellness center in Monterey County. Check out their website to learn more!


2021 TAY Action Teams